Brazuca 360

Try Turning the ball from one side to the other. 360-degree photos provide indispensable value in e-commerce, as a general rule they increase the average closing of a particular product by 30% to 40% after being implemented. In this case, Sports Center USA preferred to use this 360-degree photo where the client can turn and […]

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Mizuno 360

Try Turning your shoes from one side to the other. 360-degree photos provide indispensable value in e-commerce, as a general rule they increase the average closing of a particular product by 30% to 40% after being implemented. As the online sale of footwear is quite critical, it was decided to use 360 ​​photos so that

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Rainmate Photoshop

El Rainmate es un producto exclusivo y distribuido por distribuidores Rainbow. Comúnmente llamado el «aromaterapia», relaja con un suave sonido de lluvia y con el uso de fragancias líquida aromatiza el ambiente. Este es un trabajo de retoque fotográfico y adaptación para un E-commerce en la página de venta online de MYRAINBOWSYSTEM.COM,  el cliente necesitaba de material

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