Andres Leon

Web Developer

Hello, my name is Andres Leon. I’m only 24 years old but with a lot of experience…

Andrés leon


In 2016, I began my internship at Florida International University and with Dr. Evelyn Gaiser at the Periphyton Lab as a research assistant to doctoral candidate, Viviana Mazzei. In the lab, I learned methods for cleaning and analyzing samples that were collected in the Everglades National Park by fellow researchers and lab staff. Shortly after my start in the lab, I began my own project and eventually won several awards at the South Florida Science and Engineering Fair.

In 2017, I graduated high school and was admitted to the University of Central Florida, where I majored in Aerospace Engineering. While in Orlando, I began working in auto mechanics and worked as a general service technician and customer service advisor, where I learned massive amounts of information about auto mechanics while working side-by-side with ASE-certified technicians.

What I’m Currently doing

After a few years of struggling to find the funds to support my education, in 2020 I decided to invest in learning coding and web development to be able to fully support myself. I have quickly become very passionate about learning new languages ??and implementing my knowledge in website development. Currently, I am certified in responsive web design (HTML5 and CSS), data structures using Python, and javascript algorithms and data structures. I also work in-depth with the Genesis and Woocommerce frameworks.

I currently work at the prestigious international auction company Sotheby’s, based in New York City, as a senior programmer, I am in charge of the development and maintenance of the company’s wine e-commerce.

I am also working as a senior programmer at Oncemillon LLC.

What I love

I plan to finish my education and earn a Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering one day, but I am also dedicated to learning and applying more and more programming in my professional life ahead.

Hopefully, in the future, there will be enough wifi to be able to code from Mars!

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