Vladimir Leon

CEO, Web Developer, Ecommerce specialist

Hi, how are things! My working life could be summarized as follows:

staff vladimir bw

I graduated as an engineer in aeronautical maintenance in Venezuela, I worked for several aviation companies such as VIASA, AVENSA, and UNITED AIRLINES. Since that time, I have always been involved and learning about programming and what was then the emerging internet.

In 2000 I moved to the United States and after 2 years, my wife and I started our own project and business in sales and direct marketing. As an entrepreneur and immigrant in another country, I learned firsthand all the lessons that an entrepreneur must overcome in order to be successful.

Since I learned about WordPress I have been able to see the potential of this content manager and since 2007, using my programming knowledge in PHP, HTML, and CSS, I specialized in web page design and development using mainly the Genesis and Woocommerce framework for businesses. electronics. Now we use all the knowledge and experience we have in sales and direct marketing to also apply it to online businesses.

As you can see, I have always done what I like to do most. That’s why I can’t go a week without having a Starbucks Green Tea Frappuccino.

By the way, if you’re still wondering:

Every time I hear an airplane, I can’t stop seeing it, I still like it a lot!

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